How to apply

Relevant dates

The University typically begins accepting applications for a particular academic year in September of the previous year (so September 2023 for 2024-2025). For those applying for admission to the MCL in 2024-25, the closing date for receipt of MCL applications is 4 January 2024. Late applications will not be processed under any circumstances.

Application process

The University's Postgraduate Admissions Office (PAO) is the central University office handling graduate applications for all Cambridge Faculties and Departments. All applications must be submitted to the PAO, rather than the Faculty of Law. Please refer to the PAO's website for guidance on the mechanics of applying to courses such as the MCL.

It is essential to be familiar with the PAO's guidance before submitting an application. You should focus particularly on the MCL programme entry in the PAO's course directory. Please also read the rest of the pages on the Faculty's MCL admissions website, and particularly the rest of the "Joining the MCL" section.

With supporting documents, please read carefully the guidance on the PAO website. You should not submit documents other than those requested. This includes secondary school certificates, work experience letters and published articles or papers. Significant academic and personal achievements should be listed on the course application form or on your CV.

When preparing your application, you must consider whether you need to pass an English proficiency test by reading the language criteria discussed elsewhere on this website. All MCL applicants who need to take an English language proficiency test should adhere to the specified deadlines.

Application decision process and timeline

Applications received will be assessed by the MCL Admissions Committee based on academic merit. The MCL Admissions Committee will begin considering applications after the application deadline closes. Applicants for the 2024-25programme will be notified of the outcome of their application by 30 April 2024.

Applications are considered entirely afresh during each admissions round. Correspondingly, if an MCL applicant is offered a place, does not to take it up and applies again, the new application will be considered without reference to the prior application.

With regard to unsuccessful applications, those administering MCL admissions do not operate a waiting list. The MCL Admissions Committee is not able to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants or respond to requests for reconsideration, even in cases where unsuccessful applicants receive further academic results, or are selected for scholarships or other funding tenable at Cambridge.

Once successful applicants have received their formal offer from the PAO, they have one month to accept their place on the MCL. They must do so by paying a reservation fee, which is non-refundable in most circumstances.